Triggering and Supporting The Body’s Innate Healing Ability


Community acupuncture clinics are opening all over the country. You find them in most big cities and some not-so-big. We have community acupuncture clinics in Savannah, Charleston, and right here in Beaufort.

“We know that acupuncture supports the body’s innate ability to heal itself. When received frequently, acupuncture can become life-changing medicine,” said Sande Triponey, owner of Beaufort Acupuncture.

After a career in corporate America as an Event Coordinator and trainer for Fortune 1000 companies, Sande decided to do something more soul-fulfilling. She turned to alternative healing, has studied a variety of mind/body/spirit therapies and is a Reiki Master. She holds a Bachelors degree in Health Science and a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine. She has been practicing alternative healing for more than 25 years and is licensed to practice acupuncture in NC, SC, and FL.

Community acupuncture is done in a quiet space with others receiving treatment at the same time. The idea is simple: by providing an open room, quiet and peaceful atmosphere with comfortable recliners, multiple patients can receive acupuncture at the same time for a reduced cost. This model of providing acupuncture care allows the practitioner to reduce the cost to the patient by treating many people per hour. The community acupuncture model is based on the traditional style of treatment practiced in Asia.

Just like in a private acupuncture setting, the ambiance of the space is peaceful and relaxing with soothing music and soft lighting. At Beaufort Acupuncture, there are eight recliners arranged in two rows. Attention is given to your personal space. There is no difference in the quality of treatment between community style and private acupuncture. Points are used on the scalp, and below the elbows and knees to treat the entire body in both private and community-style acupuncture. During community acupuncture, you remain fully clothed and will be asked to remove your socks and shoes and to roll up your pant legs and sleeves.

Acupuncture has become a hot topic in recent decades. Since 2002, 1.3 million more Americans are using acupuncture. Ongoing scientific studies find acupuncture effective in treating all kinds of pain, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Allergies, sinusitis, and respiratory problems are found to respond favorably with acupuncture treatment, as are digestive complaints. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment for over 28 diseases, with 60 more currently being studied.

Disease or dysfunction doesn’t typically happen overnight. It takes the body a while to stop and reverse the disease process and regain balance and health. Acupuncture triggers and supports the body’s innate healing ability and reinforces the healing process, making treatments most effective when received frequently and regularly. The real benefits of acupuncture are cumulative, so in most cases, weekly or bi-weekly treatment is essential for more lasting results. A sprained ankle with immediate attention may take only 1 or 2 treatments. Long-term challenges like fatigue or depression may take a few months of treatment. Regular acupuncture treatment is remarkable at promoting and maintaining good health!

Services at Beaufort Community Acupuncture are offered by appointment. Treatments last anywhere from 60-90 minutes. You are welcome to bring your own blankets, pillows, eye cover, and earplugs to make yourself more comfortable. Whether you’ve never done acupuncture before or are already a fan, the benefit of community acupuncture is appealing: frequent, regular treatment at a low cost. Why not give it a try?