Timothy Garvin

United Beaufort

On May 25, 2020, the country took a hit that sent many into a state of outrage. Mr. George Floyd died during an encounter with Minnesota Police officers. George’s death was the catalyst that sparked a national uproar. Many citizens took to the streets to protest one of many African American deaths. During these protests, many riots broke out across the country. Rioting, looting, and tearing and burning down of many cities. The publicity around what was happening to numerous cities began to overshadow the tragic event that the Floyd family will live with forever.

Timothy Garvin, affectionately known as “Tim,” woke up the morning of May 27 with a burning in his spirit. He felt the weight of what so many African American men and women have had to deal with: racial injustice. Tim decided he wanted to take a stand but wanted to lead differently. He called his friend, Jacorey Wright, and asked him to join him as he protested for a cause that was dear to both of their hearts. Tim, not knowing where his decision to protest would take him, took a stand. The two stood on the corner of Boundary Street and Ribaut Road with signs. What was only two, turned into over 500 protesters joining them within a week.

Tim wanted to compel the people “not to tear down the city we love and call home.” Tim led the protests for days, with crowds of people from all walks of life. Black, brown, white, Hispanic, Indian, rich, poor, young, and old all stood and held signs of solidarity with Tim for the families affected by racial injustices. Tim quickly caught the eye of Mayor Billy Keyserling, who was often seen standing with the protesters, walking and interacting with the crowd. Many officers came and showed their support to Tim and the community we all love and live in.

Tim says he wanted to make a difference in his hometown and make sure only peaceful protests would happen in our community. And so he did, and he has captured the eyes and hearts of many. Including Mayor Keyserling, Tim has also had the support from Shannon Erickson (SC House Representative), Councilman Gerald Dawson, Apostle Randy Roberts and Love House Ministries, and many more countless community leaders. The support and unity demonstrated is a testament that there is room for growth, change, love, and peace.

Last month, Tim participated in the Father’s Day March downtown. There were hundreds of participants who met at the Waterfront for some words of recognition and then marched the streets in support of standing with the Black community. All of the local protests have opened doors to some hard conversations that are beginning to happen in many homes and in our local government. Tim states, “I only want to see that our voices are being heard, our lives matter, and our children can lead lives without fear and racial injustices. I love my community. I love that there are so many others who come out and support, who stand with us and are willing to be a part of our Unified Beaufort.”

Unified Beaufort was formed when the first protest began, originally as The Peaceful Protest Beaufort. Unified Beaufort, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded by Timothy Garvin. The mission is: Striving for unity in the community by cultivating equality and justice for all.

Unified Beaufort’s vision statement reads as follows: Unified Beaufort recognizes that the vitality of an entire community is tied to equitable access to resources and opportunities. It is our vision to begin the necessary work to eliminate injustice and inequality. We aspire to live in a community where people of color have access to opportunities that provide education, employment, mentorship, access to participate on city and county council review/advisory boards and to become leaders in this community. We will achieve these goals by demanding change in protocols and laws that continually allow for no accountability within our local and national law enforcement.